You can get rid of papillomas at home with the help of pharmaceutical preparations and recipes of traditional medicine, following the instructions, following simple rules. Elimination takes place efficiently, in a pleasant environment.

Advantages and disadvantages of home treatment
With the development of papillomatosis disease, formations caused by the papilloma virus appear on the body. The disease affects any part of the skin, mucous membranes. If an infection occurs, the spread of the virus will depend on the resistance of the immune system in the fight against HPV. With good body protection, the disease may not manifest while in a state of sleep.
As soon as the immune system weakens, the mechanism of uncontrolled division of viral cells that affect the skin is triggered.
You can remove papillomas at home with the help of folk remedies and remedies. When deciding on the method of removal, it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of home treatment. This includes:
> zxtable border = "1" cellpadding = "0" >Before you start self-removal of papillomas, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist, oncologist. Improper, poor disposal can lead to degeneration into malignant formation or recurrence.
Methods for removing papillomas at home
It will become easier to remove papillomas at home after determining its type. Benign formations, but it is difficult to deal with them alone. There are types:
- simple papillomas appear after physical contact with the source of infection, are small in size, spread throughout the body;
- plantar formations appear in childhood on the feet. They are flat, rough, usually large, causing discomfort, pain when walking;
- straight growths are found on the neck and face. As it grows, itching and pain appear, characterized by a uniform surface and color, regardless of location;
- filamentous formations - a common type, appears after 35 years. Occupies the armpits, face, genitals. Pointed papillomas are a dangerous type that affects the genitals, sexually transmitted. In men, it occurs in the groin area, on the head of the penis. For women, the infection is fraught with the development of cervical cancer. The anus is affected. Removal of papillomas at home of this type is prohibited, it is too dangerous to transform into melanoma.
Pharmacy ointments and gels
- Solution to remove papillomas, warts and blisters. The composition includes phenol and metacresol, which destroy virus-infected cells, blocking their further reproduction. Read the step-by-step instructions before use. The solution is used externally, applied with a spot applicator on the formation, avoiding penetration into healthy skin. In case of careless use, burns may occur. Cauterization is performed 1 r / d with a small upgrade. If the papilla is large, it is necessary to act the drug two to three times a day. Do not moisten the treated area. The formation dries, a crust appears that falls off along with the growth. Do not treat intimate area, mucous membranes.
- German solution that removes skin growths. The preparation contains lactic, salicylic acid, polidocanol 600. The liquid freezes the stratum corneum. Apply carefully, avoiding leaks on healthy skin, 2 r / d. The result is visible after four days, the formation dies, disappears. Do not treat face, mucous membranes, genitals. Stain treatment is prohibited.
- An effective solution for removing genital warts on the body. The composition contains an extract of podophilus root extract, which slows down cell division, killing the accumulation. Avoid penetrating healthy skin, the point on the papilloma, during treatment. The agent is applied 1 r / d for 4 days.
- Alkaline liquid to remove papillomas, warts at home. The tool is applied 1 r / d at a point. After application, a slight burning sensation is felt. Black dots on the surface of the growth indicate the beginning of a necrotic process that lasts about 6 days. Removal of moles and moles is prohibited.
- Salicylic ointment has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, exfoliating effect, effectively removes hanging papillomas. Apply the ointment at the point of the cotton swab, avoiding leaks on healthy skin, 2 r / d.
- Oxolinic ointment has an antiviral effect, removes the formation from the inside, blocking further reproduction of infected cells. The product is applied three times a day, fixed with a bandage. The duration of the course is from 28 to 55 days.
Herbal products
You can treat HPV at home with traditional herbal medicine recipes. Traditional recipes are:
- young walnut fat. Young fruits in green peel are used in cooking. Put the collected walnuts in a jar, fill with kerosene, leave for 21 days. After the mass, strain and thicken the density until a homogeneous paste is formed. Apply ointment 1 r / d until the growth is completely gone;
- aloe. Thanks to the rich composition of houseplants, you can fight various diseases, including papillomas. To prepare the medicine, tear off the leaf and mash it until it becomes smooth. Apply the paste on the affected area 1 r / d, fix with a tight bandage. A positive result is visible after two weeks;
- garlic. To prepare the medicine with garlic, grind a few cloves to get one teaspoon of the finished product. Mix garlic with two teaspoons of any cream, apply a thin layer on the affected area, fixing with a bandage for several hours. Means for use once a week for 4 weeks;
- lemon juice. Lemon contains citric acid which breaks down the affected papilloma cells. To prepare the remedy, squeeze the juice, abundantly moisten a cotton pad. Apply it to the affected area until the disc is completely dry. The procedure can be performed 2-3 times a day for three weeks until the accumulations are completely removed.

Tea tree oil effectively removes papillomas, has antiseptic, antifungal properties. It reduces the risk of developing oncology, stimulates the immune system, alleviates swelling and effectively fights skin infections. The oil is applied to the affected area 1 r / d in a few drops. The procedure continues until the complete abolition of education.
Castor oil. Removal is done in two ways:
- Massage the affected area. Before starting the procedure, apply oil to the nipple, massage the area with your fingers, rub the product. The massage is done 2 r / d for three weeks until the papilloma disappears completely. The massage should be smooth and gentle, there is a risk of injury to the growth, activation of the virus, accelerating the growth process of formations throughout the body. You can begin the process of transformation into melanoma.
- Compression with castor oil. Use a cotton pad soaked in oil for the wrap. Apply to the affected area, firmly fixing with a bandage. The procedure is performed 2 times a day, it helps to get rid of papillomas in three days. If redness appears, the color of the growth changes to red, it is recommended to remove the bandage, rinse the area with water.
You should not generously lubricate the area with castor oil, it will not lead to the desired result in a short time, it will worsen the situation.
Cauterizing agents
Iodine has the property of burning, effectively eliminating accumulation. Treat the affected area with iodine solution 3-4 times a day for two weeks. The papilloma will begin to dry out and fall off on its own. You can ignite the unwanted element with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (dark purple color). Apply two drops of the prepared solution to the formation daily, dotted, avoiding penetration into healthy skin, until the accumulations are completely eliminated. To speed up the necrotic process, you can evaporate the place in a warm bath before treating with potassium permanganate. The tool effectively removes genital warts. Formations with the foot on the eyelid and mucous membranes should not be treated with this method.
Celandine. Squeezed juice from a fresh plant is used to cauterize hanging warts. Treat the affected area daily with celandine juice until the growth is completely gone.
Laundry soap
You can remove the formations with the help of tar or laundry soap. Moisten the piece with water, rub the affected area. The procedure is performed in the evening before going to bed for a month.
The method is effective in removing formations on the head and face, under the armpits and abdomen.
To improve the effect, rub the soap and put it in water at a temperature of 50-70 ° C. Under the influence of temperature, the product turns into a homogeneous mass, similar to fat. For seven days, apply warm soap to the affected area in the form of a compress for half an hour. Then remove the bandage, allow to dry. Due to the alkaline composition, which is harmful to the growths, the removal takes place painlessly for seven days.
Silk, cotton, dental floss or hair are used for dressing. Before the procedure, treat the affected area with antiseptic, dry it and tie it tightly with a thread at the base. Such manipulation denies the growth of the blood supply, causing it to dry out and die. The technique can be used only after examination, confirmation of the benign nature of the formation. Do not use the method to remove growths on intimate areas, mucous membranes due to the high risk of transformation into melanoma.
A special preparation with freezing properties is used for the procedure. The effect of the drug is reminiscent of the method of cryodestruction, where liquid nitrogen is used. The product is applied in spots on the area, avoiding leakage on healthy epithelium. After application, a burning sensation appears, a blister is formed which passes together with the papilloma.
Contraindications and possible side effects
Before getting rid of papillomas at home, it is advisable to consult a doctor, find out about contraindications, choose an effective way to overcome the growths, undergo an examination and confirm the benign nature of the formation. Self-medication is not recommended in such cases:
- treat areas in the intimate areas, genitals, mucous membranes;
- pregnancy, lactation;
- children under the age of 13;
- the presence of an allergic reaction to the components;
- in the presence of the process of degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor.
Improper use of the method of home care of growths is fraught with consequences:
- Burns to a healthy area of skin around the growth.
- Scarring and scar formation.
- Infection after cauterization procedure.
- Bleeding.
- Increased spread of papillomas.
To avoid complications and serious consequences, a visit to a dermatologist and oncologist is recommended. It will take a lot of effort and time to eliminate the consequences of improper treatment.