A wart is a benign neoplasm on the skin that results from the proliferation of cells in the epidermis and papillary dermis, caused by the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted by contact.
Warts: causes, types, diagnosis and treatment
The wart is a localized predominantly benign formation caused by epidermal hyperplasia. Papillomatous growths and papules most often occur due to the activity of viral infections. The main reason for their appearance is the presence of human papilloma virus (HPV) in the body. HPV infection occurs through contact with the household, as a result of which the viral flora penetrates the skin or mucous membranes. Various injuries to the skin and mucous membranes, as well as weakened immunity, increase the risk of infection.
According to statistics, more than 60% of the population are carriers of HPV. At the same time, symptomatic HPV may not manifest throughout life. Warts, many of which are called papillomas, appear on the skin and mucous membranes only if there are favorable factors for that.
There are different types of warts, the appearance of which is caused by one or another type of virus. Each type of skin lesion can be localized to either the skin or mucous membranes. It is not always possible to eliminate the virus from the body.
Warts on the legs, arms and other parts of the body in adults
Men and women are equally susceptible to human papillomavirus infection and, consequently, neoplasms such as warts on the skin and mucous membranes. Penetration of the virus into the body is possible, both by normal handling or use of general hygiene products, and during sexual intercourse. Once in the human body, the virus enters the squamous epithelium of the skin and actively multiplies in it. The incubation period of HPV can range from one to one and a half months to six months or more.
Warts on the face, genitals and other parts of the body in women

Warts in women can appear on any part of the body at any time of life. They can vary in shape, color and size, starting with small flat warts on the white face, ending with dark genital warts on the mucous membrane of the genital organs. It is worth noting that genital warts, according to research, can cause the development of cervical cancer. Also, the connection of warts, which are an external manifestation of HPV, with an increased risk of breast cancer has been officially confirmed.
Papillomas and warts in men
The organism of the stronger sex is less susceptible to infection and active reproduction of the virus in general, and papillomas and warts in particular. Only a sudden decrease in immunity caused by various diseases can cause the appearance of benign formations on the skin and mucous membranes in men. It should be borne in mind that papillomas and warts on the genitals in men can be localized in the area of the coronal sulcus and frenum, sometimes the head or body of the penis, on the skin at the entrance to the urethra and directly on its mucosa, in the perianal region.
What are the types of warts in children?

People of any age are susceptible to the appearance of warts. But warts are most common in children and adolescents. The reason for this can be various papillomatous viruses. Infection of the child's body usually occurs through contact and home. Babies are much more likely to interact closely with other babies in large groups and easily "catch" various viruses from each other. In addition, the baby can be infected with the papillomatous virus from the mother during intrauterine development or birth.
Warts: causes
Many factors can contribute to the appearance of warts. Transmission of the papillomatous virus, as mentioned earlier, occurs through close contact with an infected person or his belongings. Moreover, the carrier of the virus, which has no external manifestation, can also act as a source of infection. Also, autoinoculation or, in other words, self-infection is not excluded. So, warts on the face and neck can appear after shaving and cosmetic peeling. The same applies to papillomas and warts on the legs, chin and armpits. Various skin lesions only increase the risk of HPV infection. This often happens in swimming pools, gyms and saunas.
Provoking factors

The virus that causes the formation of warts is unlikely to penetrate the body of a healthy person with strong immunity. The risk of infection may increase:
- Damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
If they are present, contact with the skin of an infected person or an object on the surface of which there is a virus is likely to result in an infection. HPV can stay around for about 2-3 hours. During this time period, the probability that someone will become infected with it is quite high. Injuries (wounds, cuts, scratches), sweating and, consequently, constant skin moisture only increase it.
- High humidity and heat.
Such a provocative factor is the most important for the appearance of warts on the legs. Uncomfortable parka shoes that cause excessive sweating of the feet, blisters and lesions on the skin can cause epithelial growths like warts on the feet.
- Weakening of the immune system.
Even with the presence of the virus in the body, the appearance of warts is not always noticed. A person can carry the virus for decades and be unaware of it. With a strong immunity, the body constantly suppresses the virus, preventing its reproduction. As soon as the immune system weakens, the virus is immediately activated, which is accompanied by the appearance of external manifestations.
Seborrheic wart
Over the years, significant changes occur in the human body that affect not only appearance but also health. Thus, disruption of the distribution of basal cells of the epidermis leads to the appearance of benign formations, called seborrheic warts. Otherwise, such warts are called senile. It is quite easy to recognize senile warts by their characteristic appearance:
- they are represented by papules or plaques protruding on the surface of the skin.
- neoplasms are round or oval;
- they are localized, as a rule, on the skin of closed areas of the body, as well as on the face and scalp;
- warts can be yellow-brown and sometimes even black;
- formation size can vary from 0, 5 to 4 cm.
The boundaries of the seborrheic wart are clear. They protrude slightly above the skin and may be slightly flattened.
If you have these warts on your hands, face, body, or head, you should see a doctor. In order to determine the most effective, safest tactics for their treatment and removal, it is necessary to conduct a differential diagnosis that will distinguish seborrheic warts from:
- Pigmented nevi.
These neoplasms are benign. Just like seborrheic warts, pigmented nevi are yellow-brown or dark, closer to black. Sometimes the papillomatous surface of the nevus is covered with hair. Their size can be different. In shape, neoplasms of this type may be represented by giant plaques or flat papules of smooth surface.
- Dermatofibromas.
Such a benign formation arises from the skin and connective tissue. In appearance, dermatofibromas bear a certain resemblance to moles and warts. The surface of the formation can be both smooth and keratinized. Their shape is round. Dermatofibroma is located partly in the upper layers of the skin and partly protrudes above its surface. Most often, there are individual neoplasms. Their color can be different: from gray-pink to purple. Sometimes dermatofibromas are brown or black. The size of the formation is approximately 1 cm.
- Melanoma.
Unlike dermatofibroma and pigmented nevus, melanomas are malignant tumors. They appear at the site of the mole or at nearby sites of tissue. Factors that cause skin cell malignancy are ultraviolet rays, various damages.
Human papilloma virus infection

As mentioned earlier, HPV is the cause of HPV infection. To date, more than a hundred of its varieties are known that can affect the body in one way or another. Each type of virus causes certain types of warts:
- HPV 1 - benign formations on the palms and soles;
- HPV 2 - common (vulgar);
- HPV 3, 10, 28 and 29 - flat neoplasms;
- HPV 4 - warts on the soles and vulgar warts;
- HPV 6, 11 - papillomatosis of the larynx and genital warts;
- HPV 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15, 17, 19-25, 36, 39, 40 - generalized manifestation of the virus, which is wart epidermodysplasia;
- HPV 7 - vulgar warts;
- HPV 13, 32 - focal proliferation of epithelial tissues;
- HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35 - malignant neoplasms such as cancer and genital dysplasia.
In addition, with the weakening of immunity, the human body becomes more susceptible to papillomatous viruses of types 26 and 27. In some cases, HPV 30, 34, 37 and 38 can become the cause of benign and malignant tumors.
It is also worth noting that some types of papillomatous viruses are transmitted by household contact, while others are transmitted sexually.
Types of warts: common, plantar and other, treatment
Quite a large number of types of papillomatous viruses and other causes of warts cause different localization of formations and their different characteristics. So there are:
- Common warts, also called vulgar warts.
They are most often localized on the skin of the hands. These growths can vary in color from flesh to brown.
- Plantar warts.
Such formations grow deep into the tissues, causing painful sensations and accompanied by capillary thrombosis, which bleed even with the slightest damage. Plantar warts require treatment by a doctor, not cutting off on their own or in a nail salon.
- Straight nipples.
Their localization, as a rule, is observed on the skin of the neck, face, chest, bending the knees and on the forearm.
- Anogenital warts, better known as genital warts.
Such formations affect the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia, as well as the perianal region. Their localization is possible at the entrance to the urethra with subsequent proximal expansion.
- Perianal warts.
Such formations are most commonly found on the anus and vagina, as well as on nearby tissues of the external genitalia in women. In men, perianal warts are localized in the anus.
- Laryngeal papillomatosis.
This manifestation of the virus occurs mainly in childhood. The masses can be multiple, which is a special danger to life, which causes obstruction of the respiratory tract.
Anogenital warts
Anogenital warts are benign neoplasms localized on the skin and mucous membranes of the external genitalia, as well as in the perianal region. All anogenital warts are usually divided into:
- Typical condyloma.
Such warts are localized, as a rule, at the entrance to the vagina, in the anus, and also on the inner layer of the foreskin. In their form, such neoplasms may resemble cauliflower.
- Papular warts.
The surface of such neoplasms is smooth and does not contain keratinized layers.
- Hyperkeratotic warts.
Unlike previous warts, the surface of such anogenital formations is covered with keratinized tissue particles. Hyperkeratotic condyloma is mainly localized on the outer sheet of the foreskin, the body of the penis, and the scrotum in men, as well as on the large oral mouth in women.
- Straight nipples.
The formations are represented by spots that protrude slightly above the surface of the skin. They are practically invisible and a person does not always recognize them immediately.
Giant condyloma Buschke - Levenshtein

Carninomas-like genital warts occur when the HPV 16 virus enters the body. According to the results of some studies, HPV types 1, 6, 11, 18, 31, 33, which are transmitted through both contact and sexual contact, can also lead to the appearance of such warts. Another name for such education is the giant Bushke-Levenshtein condyle. Its main differences are:
- rapid progressive increase in size;
- the possibility of re-education after treatment;
- destruction of nearby tissues;
- high probability of malignancy with subsequent development of squamous cell carcinoma of the skin.
Young and older people are most susceptible to this type of neoplasm. In the male body, the virus is manifested by the appearance of genital warts on the tissues of the glans penis and foreskin. Sometimes Buschke-Levenstein condyloma can be localized on the skin of the penile trunk. In the female body, the formations are usually located in the perianal, anorectal, and inguinal area. Their appearance on the face, oral mucosa, as well as on other areas of the skin and mucous membranes is not excluded.
Common warts on fingers and other parts of the body
The most common benign lesions on the skin are vulgar warts, which are also called common warts. In appearance, such formations are hard and dry eminences on the skin. Their surface is uneven. Sizes vary within a few millimeters. Most often, such warts are localized on the fingers and hands, as well as on the face. The color of the neoplasm is usually grayish, yellow-brown or flesh-colored.
Palmar-plantar warts on arms and legs
Warts can easily appear on both the palms and soles. They come in a variety of shapes and colors, from pale yellow to dark brown. These epithelial formations are common among the population. In appearance, they can be superficial and mosaic-like or deep (hyperkeratotic).
The treatment of palmar and plantar warts is complex. During a thorough diagnosis, the dermatologist must necessarily rule out lichen planus and warty tuberculosis.
Straight nipples on face

A flat nipple is almost always small and has a smooth (rarely scaly) surface. Its color is virtually indistinguishable from skin color, so people often live with such formations and don’t even notice them. Such epithelial flat formations usually appear on the skin in whole groups.
At the first meeting, the expert will be able to detect and accurately identify flat warts on the face or, for example, on the back of the hands. A visual examination will be enough for the competent doctor to understand what he is dealing with. If the dermatologist doubts the presumed diagnosis, then additional diagnostics, including laboratory tests, may be assigned.
Diagnosis of human papilloma virus infection
The clinical manifestations of a wart primarily depend on the site where it originated. Each type of epithelial tumor described above has its own individual characteristics.
- The common wart is characterized by pronounced hyperkeratosis (high rate of cell division of the stratum corneum and desquamation).
It can look like a nodule or dome-shaped papule. Such warts appear mainly in those places where there is an increased risk of tissue injuries, ie on the skin of the hands, feet, elbows.
- Straight nipples have a flattened tip, are small in volume and do not exceed 3-4 mm in diameter.
If the wart is visualized in the area of skin folds, then its initial diagnosis could be difficult, as such papules or growths can manifest as flat or ordinary warts.
- Warts on the soles of the feet can be accompanied by a symptom of pain, because those areas of the body are constantly susceptible to trauma. The center of such an epithelial tumor may be slightly concave.
It is also uncommon for several warts on the sole to merge into a single structure, forming a specific mosaic-shaped pattern.
- As for fibrous warts, such a problem can occur on facial skin.
They grow quickly, so when they are discovered, they try to be removed as a cosmetic defect.
- Also, warts can be diagnosed in the oral cavity, where the formations are most often represented by whitish or pinkish small nodules.
Such a problem is found in extremely rare cases, as a rule, on examination at the dentist or during a routine examination of the body.
Warts: treatment

Epithelial tumors in the form of warts are treated only under the strict supervision of the attending physician. Therapy cannot be general, because each individual case of the onset and development of the disease is individual. Therefore, it is not recommended to use suspicious medications on the advice of a friend, advertiser or pharmacist at the pharmacy.
To date, there is no specific therapy for human papilloma virus. Therefore, wart treatment is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the viral lesion.
If a patient is diagnosed with condyloma, then well-chosen therapy is necessary for this type of education, because there is a risk of malignant degeneration.
There are several methods for treating warts, each of which has its own characteristics. The effectiveness of all therapeutic methods is approximately 70%.
Remedy for warts: external therapy
The treatment of warts is primarily aimed at their removal. This can be done by physical intervention or medication.
External methods of warts are treated in the complex. Your doctor may prescribe cauterizing medications and keratolytic medications. It can be 10% silver nitrate solution, 50% lactic acid solution.
Your doctor may recommend antiviral anti-wart medications.
Cytotoxic drugs, such as fluorouracil creams, are also topical. Prescribed for the treatment of warts and all types of salicylic acid patches (40%).
Physical destruction of warts can be achieved with liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation. Chemical tissue destruction can be performed using salicylic or trichloroacetic acid, sodium silver solution, sodium hydroxide.
Immunotherapy is also used. After the wart is removed, your doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory medications.
Removing warts at home is prohibited

Traditional medicine, according to most, can safely cure many diseases. But this opinion is wrong, because decoctions, infusions and all kinds of compresses of essential oils and herbs can only play a supporting role and in no case should they be used as the main type of therapy.
In combination with the healing effects, a specialist doctor can prescribe recipes for alternative medicine with celandine, rowan berries, wormwood, onions, linseed oil, milk.
Wart removal is not performed at home. Education cannot be interrupted by sharp objects, pierced and cauterized. Only a competent doctor, after diagnosing the patient's condition, can prescribe adequate and safe therapy. Be careful and do not self-medicate hastily.
Laser wart removal and other methods
Modern medicine uses several surgical techniques to remove warts.
- Electrocoagulation is one of the most proven methods for removing various warts.
The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia using a coagulator. The high-frequency current brought to the steel loop helps to thinly cut the epithelial mass and prevent bleeding during and after the operation.
- Surgical excision is prescribed for extensive skin lesions.
The manipulation is performed under local anesthesia, followed by the imposition of cosmetic sutures that are removed after approximately one week. A minor scar may remain.
- Laser wart removal is the latest treatment.
The effect of such manipulation can be presented in the form of evaporation or coagulation of skin cells. Laser wart removal is fast and absolutely painless, because the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. After the removal of the wart, a small depression may remain, which will disappear after 12-20 days.
Laser removal is now offered by many medical centers and clinics.
- Warts are also removed using low temperatures.
Deep freezing of tissues leads to their death. Thus, cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen is performed.
Such wart removal is performed using a cryo-applicator or application stick with a cotton cloth. Either way, the procedure is effective and only takes a few minutes.
The applicator is applied to the nipple (vertically) and lightly pressed against it. The time required for an epithelial tumor to freeze depends primarily on its size. It usually takes 7 to 35 seconds to freeze.
It is important to know that any removal of warts is not a guarantee that the problem will not recur. The likelihood of recurrence depends on a number of factors, including the patient’s immune system. According to statistics, recurrence of the disease occurs after 3-4 months in more than 20% of patients. Therefore, many doctors, along with surgical removal of warts, prescribe general anti-relapse therapy.
Nipple prevention

In order to protect themselves at least a little from a viral infection and reduce the risks of warts on the body, doctors first of all advise to lead a healthy lifestyle. It is necessary to constantly and competently maintain the immune system, which loses its protective functions due to constant nervous stress, lack of sleep, malnutrition, and even a lack of vitamins.
Doctors recommend:
- Refuse casual sex. It is advisable to have one constant and healthy partner.
- Follow the rules of personal hygiene. You should not use someone else's towel, go to the public bathroom without your own upholstery.
- Treat skin lesions properly.
It is also important to eat properly, lead an active lifestyle, get rid of bad habits, get some sleep, be less nervous, because all these factors negatively affect the immune system.